services: postiz: image: container_name: postiz restart: always environment: # You must change these. Replace `` with your DNS name - what your web browser sees. MAIN_URL: "" FRONTEND_URL: "" NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: "" JWT_SECRET: "TShr6Fdcwf67wIhuUvg0gOsJbdcQmgMiJl5kUh6JCfY=" # These defaults are probably fine, but if you change your user/password, update it in the # postiz-postgres or postiz-redis services below. DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://postiz-user:postiz-password@postiz-postgres:5432/postiz-db-local" REDIS_URL: "redis://postiz-redis:6379" BACKEND_INTERNAL_URL: "http://localhost:3000" IS_GENERAL: "true" # Required for self-hosting. # The container images are pre-configured to use /uploads for file storage. # You probably should not change this unless you have a really good reason! STORAGE_PROVIDER: "local" UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: "/uploads" NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: "/uploads" # Social keys LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID: "86q7ksc8q5pai3" LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET: {{ linkedin_secret }} volumes: - postiz-config:/config/ - postiz-uploads:/uploads/ depends_on: postiz-postgres: condition: service_healthy postiz-redis: condition: service_healthy labels: Postiz glance.url: glance.description: Social media scheduler postiz postiz-postgres: image: postgres:14.5 container_name: postiz-postgres restart: always environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postiz-password POSTGRES_USER: postiz-user POSTGRES_DB: postiz-db-local volumes: - postgres-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data healthcheck: test: pg_isready -U postiz-user -d postiz-db-local interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 labels: glance.parent: postiz DB postiz-redis: image: redis:7.2 container_name: postiz-redis restart: always healthcheck: test: redis-cli ping interval: 10s timeout: 3s retries: 3 volumes: - postiz-redis-data:/data labels: glance.parent: postiz Redis volumes: postgres-volume: external: false postiz-redis-data: external: false postiz-config: external: false postiz-uploads: external: false networks: default: external: true name: lava